God’s power is seen in how complex snow really is. There are 35 different types of snowflakes and no two snowflakes are identical. There have even been reports of giant snowflakes falling all across the earth measuring anywhere from two, to six, and even 15 inches across. Snow can fall leisurely or even up to 9 mph absorbing and when the ground is covered, it absorbs sound waves making everything quieter (bbcearth.com). Perhaps this complexity is one of the reasons why snow is seen as praising the Lord and fulfilling His Word (Psa. 148:7,8).
Furthermore, the power of God through snow reveals how much we depend on Him. Snow tends to stop everything for a time—road traffic, airports, businesses, electricity, etc. can all be affected by the snow. There is a pause to our lives that causes us to see that we need God and depend on Him daily. The good news is the righteous will never be forsaken (Psa. 37:25) and God will always supply our needs (Phi. 4:19). The necessary pauses in life help us appreciate the blessings of God even more and cause us to wonder at His mighty power!
So, enjoy the beauties of the snow while it is here. It will not be here forever. The seasons change showing the faithfulness of our Creator (Acts 14:17; Gen. 8:22) and soon the snow will melt away and the cold will end giving way to the blessings of spring and summer. But, one thing will always remain: the greatness of our Lord and His great power (Psa. 147:5).
~Derrick Coble