Vacation Bible School is always an exciting time! From the classes to the decorations, to the activities, singing, and refreshments, there is definitely something for everyone to enjoy. Without a doubt, it is one of the highlights of the year for the church and worth every effort that is put forth to make it successful. Most of the time people think that VBS is just for children, and that is a big part of it; however, there’s huge benefits for adults too. In fact, it can be the best!
It can be the best way to invite someone – Everyone has friends, family members, or co-workers who haven’t obeyed the Gospel. Maybe they attend a certain denomination regularly and would never accept an invitation to come on a Sunday or Wednesday night. But, they might gladly receive an invitation to come to VBS or even send their children. Think of the impact it can have for them to meet fellow Christians in a lighthearted atmosphere and for them to hear solid Bible teaching at the same time. “preach the Gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15)
It can be the best way to influence children – It seems that every adult who attended VBS as a child has some special memory that stands out in their minds. Those memories could potentially help children want to stay in the Lord’s church or even bring them back to the church later on in life. Memories are powerful and VBS can play an important part. “and that from a babe thou hast known the sacred writings” (2 Tim. 3:15)
It can be the best way to grow closer – The work that goes into a few days of VBS begins months in advance. With fellow Christians working hard together, you can’t help but grow closer. Sharing ideas, stories, and laughing together through it all is a wonderful experience. “the working in due measure of each several part, maketh the increase of the body unto the building up of itself in love” (Eph. 4:16)
It can be the best way to build enthusiasm – As time goes on, enthusiasm in anything can start to drop. It is true with our work, projects, activities, and unfortunately even the church. However, it is hard not to be enthusiastic when you see children of all ages light up as they come to learn about the Bible and sing “Booster” to the top of their lungs! Its contagious for everyone! “cleave to that which is good . . . fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” (Rom. 12:9,11)
God is pleased with all the work that we do for Him and He doesn’t forget it (Heb. 6:10). VBS is just a small portion of all the good works that can be done to build the church. With so much effort that goes into just four powerful days, it’s a shame that so much effort is not put into every work of the church. VBS can be the best way for us to commit ourselves to do more for regular Bible classes, youth programs, evangelism, and every area of our lives. Whatever you do for God, make it the best!
~Derrick Coble
It can be the best way to invite someone – Everyone has friends, family members, or co-workers who haven’t obeyed the Gospel. Maybe they attend a certain denomination regularly and would never accept an invitation to come on a Sunday or Wednesday night. But, they might gladly receive an invitation to come to VBS or even send their children. Think of the impact it can have for them to meet fellow Christians in a lighthearted atmosphere and for them to hear solid Bible teaching at the same time. “preach the Gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15)
It can be the best way to influence children – It seems that every adult who attended VBS as a child has some special memory that stands out in their minds. Those memories could potentially help children want to stay in the Lord’s church or even bring them back to the church later on in life. Memories are powerful and VBS can play an important part. “and that from a babe thou hast known the sacred writings” (2 Tim. 3:15)
It can be the best way to grow closer – The work that goes into a few days of VBS begins months in advance. With fellow Christians working hard together, you can’t help but grow closer. Sharing ideas, stories, and laughing together through it all is a wonderful experience. “the working in due measure of each several part, maketh the increase of the body unto the building up of itself in love” (Eph. 4:16)
It can be the best way to build enthusiasm – As time goes on, enthusiasm in anything can start to drop. It is true with our work, projects, activities, and unfortunately even the church. However, it is hard not to be enthusiastic when you see children of all ages light up as they come to learn about the Bible and sing “Booster” to the top of their lungs! Its contagious for everyone! “cleave to that which is good . . . fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” (Rom. 12:9,11)
God is pleased with all the work that we do for Him and He doesn’t forget it (Heb. 6:10). VBS is just a small portion of all the good works that can be done to build the church. With so much effort that goes into just four powerful days, it’s a shame that so much effort is not put into every work of the church. VBS can be the best way for us to commit ourselves to do more for regular Bible classes, youth programs, evangelism, and every area of our lives. Whatever you do for God, make it the best!
~Derrick Coble